Keep Calm and Drive On: 5 Tips for the Nervous Driver
Jack Dreyer | Wednesday 10th July 2024 9:30am

If you’re a nervous driver, you’re not alone. For many people, driving a car can cause a great deal of worry and stress, even when it comes to short, simple journeys. Whether you’ve had a road accident that’s knocked your confidence, you find driving a challenge, or you’ve just recently passed your test and have limited experience, there are many reasons why you might be apprehensive about getting behind the wheel.
However, the good news is there are plenty of simple ways you can overcome your anxiety about driving and remain calm and confident while on the road. With this in mind, here are five useful tips for the nervous driver.
1. Re-learn the basics
If you haven’t driven in a while, or you’ve had a near-miss that has made you question your driving ability, it can help to go back and practise some basic techniques. Re-learning the skills that you needed in order to pass your driving test can help to refresh your memory, and the more you practise, the more comfortable you’ll start to feel.
You may choose to have a few refresher lessons with a professional instructor, or you might prefer to work on your skills alone in a quiet place. If you want to brush up on things like road signs and hazard perception, it might also be worth taking a look at some driving theory practice tests online.
When going back to basics, focus on the aspects of driving that make you feel nervous or stressed, whether it’s parallel parking, turning in a tight space or clutch control on an incline. Even experienced drivers often find these sorts of skills difficult many years after passing their tests, so it won’t do any harm practising them every now and again.
2. Prepare your vehicle
When you’re ready to drive on the roads, it’s worth giving your car a quick check to make sure everything is in working order and to put your mind at ease. For example, check that your tyres are in good condition and look out for any signs of damage or excessive wear. You may also want to test your lights and windscreen wipers, and make sure the oil and windscreen washer levels are topped up. If you’re unsure about how to carry out these maintenance checks, look at your owner’s manual or seek help from a professional technician.
It can also help to give your car a clean and get rid of any clutter or debris. Rattling and rustling from rubbish, as well as dirty windscreens, dashboards, and mirrors can be distracting when you’re driving – especially if you’re already feeling on edge. By doing some quick checks and cleaning your car, you’ll have the added peace of mind that it’s safe and roadworthy.

3. Plan your journey
It can also help to plan your journey before you leave so that you can avoid heavy traffic or unexpected diversions. If you’re feeling apprehensive, it’s a good idea to choose routes that you’re familiar with and that are less challenging. Mapping out your journey can also help to ensure that you have plenty of time to arrive at your destination and drive at a safe speed without the worry of being delayed.
If you can, try not to drive during rush hour or at busy times during the weekend, as this can put added pressure on you and make you late. As a general rule of thumb, avoid tricky roundabouts, busy motorways, or dangerous junctions until you’ve built up enough confidence with your driving. It’s also worth avoiding travelling during bad weather, such as heavy rain, snow, or ice, as this can make driving more difficult. Check the forecast before you set off and consider delaying your journey to a later time if you feel anxious about the weather conditions.
A lot of this mapping can now be done for you through tools like Google Maps (though be sure to invest in an actual phone holder to not fall foul of the law) – but some nervous drivers even like to “do” the route using Google Maps’ street view feature.
4. Remain calm when on the road
There are also a few things you can do to reduce anxiety and remain relaxed while actually out on the road. Try to minimise any distractions or worries that could cause you to lose concentration when you’re behind the wheel. For example, switch off your phone before you set off. It’s also important to make sure that you and any passengers are wearing seatbelts, and you may also find it helpful to play soothing music or practise calming breathing techniques.
If you find yourself feeling distracted or tense, try to remain focused on the road.
However, sometimes this can be easier said than done. If stress starts to get the better of you and you begin to feel panicked or overwhelmed, gradually reduce your speed and stop in a safe place. Take as long as you need to regain composure and only continue driving when you feel ready and safe to do so. You may find it helps to get out of the car and go for a walk to get some fresh air and clear your head.
This is crucial, a lot of the nerves around driving have a logical foundation (i.e. you don’t want to crash) but in almost all cases you’ll be able to pull over and stop if you’re already driving safely.

5. Practise good driving habits
It’s also important to practise good driving habits at all times. Chances are, you’ve probably forgotten some of the techniques you learnt when preparing for your driving test and picked up some bad habits along the way. Some of these behaviours could be contributing to your driving anxiety without you even realising it.
Although it might sound obvious, always remember to check your blind spots and mirrors, signal with plenty of time, and drive within the speed limit. Practising safe driving can help you to remain calm and stay in control of your vehicle, which in turn will make you feel more at ease.
Remember that overcoming driving fear or anxiety is a process, and it may take a while before you finally feel comfortable behind the wheel. However, by bearing simple tips like these in mind, you should be able to get back on track to becoming a confident driver in no time!
Make sure you can depend on your car
One of the best things to feel safer in your car is to make sure you’re confident in your car’s ability to accelerate and slow down whenever you need it to. It’s crucial, therefore, to ensure you’re regularly having your car checked and serviced by experienced professionals.
The experts at your local Kwik Fit centre are always on hand to help.
Any facts, figures and prices shown in our blog articles are correct at time of publication.
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